Capacity Assessment
Advocating for autonomy for you and your loved ones.
What Is Deputyship And Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)?
Mental capacity is defined as your own ability to make decisions about almost anything for yourselves. In Singapore, everyone is deemed to have capacity unless assessed to be otherwise. There are conditions that may render you temporarily or permanently incapacitated. That is when your loved ones may have to make decisions for you. However, the process of assigning a deputy or a donee to make appropriate decisions in your best interest, be it financial matters or personal welfare, must be recognized legally. That is why it is strongly encouraged to have this process done before you lose your capacity. A psychiatrist can assist with such an assessment and provide certification or complete a specialist report for this purpose..
These are digital links for deputyship application and LPA application:
- iFAMS stands for “Integrated Family Application System” and allows caregivers or family members to start the process of deputyship application.
- OPGO or “Office of Public Guardian Online” allows anyone to start the process to elect their own donee(s) and start the process of application for the Lasting Power of Attorney.
- ADAP refers to “Assisted Deputyship Application Programme” under the rubric of SG Enable to allow parents of children with no mental capacity to apply to the Family Justice Court to be appointed as deputies for their children.
Otium can assist with these processes at an affordable rate.
What Is Testamentary Capacity?
The ability to understand what a will is and how it can be used may be called to question when you are impaired in your judgement or memory due to an underlying medical condition. Therefore, lawyers may call upon the psychiatrist to assist in assessing the cognitive processes underlying the capacity to write a will.
Such assessment is required to be comprehensive and confidential as it requires disclosure of the extent of estate and knowledge of possible beneficiaries. Otium has experience in such assessments and is here to help.