ADHD Or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
A condition that may start from childhood and has features such as:
- Being hyperactive,
- Distractible for extended period,
- Impulsive, and
- Unable to stay focused for any tasks.
It may extend into adulthood causing problems with socializing and achieving full potential at work and school.
Left undiagnosed, you may experience anxiety and depressed mood because of:
- Feeling underachieved due to being poorly organized,
- Finding it hard to wait for your turn or
- You may pick a quarrel easily due to irritability, or
- Finding yourselves with restlessness and distractibility,
- Forgetfulness and being poorly attentive to your loved ones.
A psychiatrist works with the psychotherapist to uncover the issues and provide treatment options such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), mindfulness, or medication. Speak with us at Otium.